ScanLicense() : D
JoPPS 3.30
Returns the status of the dongle, possible values are:
DONGLE_NOTFOUND no dongle hardware detected
DONGLE_FOUND dongle hardware was detected
DONGLE_LICFOUND corresponding license file found but not verified
DONGLE_VERIFIED license file found, license file verified ok
DONGLE_TIMEOUT license file found, license file timeout message
DONGLE_EXPIRED license file found, license file expired
DONGLE_INVALID license file found, dongle type invalid
DONGLE_MAXUSERS license file found, maximum users allowed
DONGLE_MAXSLOTS license file found, maximum stations allowed
DONGLE_NOTLEGAL dongle emulator detected, broadcast license info he value returned is the result of the last statement executed in the script.
ScriptName ( ? ) : ?
JoPPS/JCALL/JScripter – V2.82
To be documented.
JoPPS – V2.82
To be documented.
Seek (Dh,Dpos) : D
Positions the filepointer of a file.
Dh is the filehandle of the file,
Dpos is the new position of the filepointer. (in bytes from the beginning of the file)
Returns the new filepointer position.
& FilePos, FileLength
SelectDatabase ([Sdbid]) : B
Opens another or closes the current database.
The optional Sdbid argument is the id of the database to open.
Not specifying a Passing an empty string logs out of the current database.
Returns TRUE if successful.
& GetDatabaseId, GetDatabaseDesc
SelectEditorDisplayMode( ? ) : ?
JoPPS – V2.82
To be documented.
SelectEditorFunction (Dfunid)
JoPPS - v2.70
Selects a specific editorfunction. The function must be available before it can be selected in the editor.
Dfunid denotes the function to be selected.
Add opening
Remove atom
Redefine opening
Remove handle
Remove sill
Remove extra profile
Remove finishing
Remove accessories
Remove enforcement
Remove filling
Remove ventilator
Remove ventilator (on a T-mullion)
Remove georgian crosses
Remove glazing bead
Remove profile
Remove operation
Add vent
Add vent (2)
Remove framepart
Remove element
Remove filling
Remove ventpart
Remove vent
Add element
Add frameelement
Add ventelement
Add segment
Add T-mullion
Add T-mullion (framelevel)
Add T-mullion (ventlevel)
Add horizontal T-mullion
Add vertical T-mullion
Add fictive
Add general
Add internal
Add ventpart
Redefine ventpart
Add framepart
Add framepart (2)
Redefine framepart
Add splitter
Add origin
Add closure
Add broker
Add relative
Set X reference
Set Y reference
Add handle
Add sill
Add extra profile
Add finishing
Add accessories
Add enforcement
Add filling
Add ventilator
Add ventilator (on T-mullion)
Add georgian crosses
Add glazing bead
Add profile
Add operation
Move T-mullions
Align T-mullions
Align to reference
Align T-mullion in corner
Reshape framecorner
Remove T-mullions
Align vertical
Align horizontal
Align equal
Edit node
Insert splitter
Delete splitter
Add vertical
Add horizontal
Exchange colours
Static Ix
Static Iy
Select section
Add section
Remove section
Print sections
List sections
Set section
Swap ratio
Calculate weight
Make vent
Add plint
General selection
Change measurements
Store frame
Store vent
Select profielen
Select versterkingen
Select vullingen
Select georgian crosses
Select finishes
Select glazing bead
Select ventilator
Select ventilator (on T-mullion)
Select functional accessories
Select extra accessories
Select operations
Select model
Select sill
Select ventpart
Select vent
Select extra profiles
SelectEditorMode( ? ) : ?
JoPPS – V2.82
To be documented.
JoPPS/JCALL/JScripter – V2.82
Srecipient e-mail recipient
Ssubject mail subject
Stext mail content
Sfiles mail attachments (filenames separated by crlf)
Returns True if e-mail succesfully send
& See also CanSendMail
Returns True if registry HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT key ‘mailto’ exists (means a default e-mail application is configured)
SetActiveProjectIndex (D) : Dindex
SetActiveProjectIndex (S) : Dindex
Make a specific project in the projectpool the active project.
D-type is project index in the projectpool,
S-type is the name of project to select.
Returns the index of the active project.
& GetActiveProjectIndex, ProjectCount
& See also 3. Using JoPPS-Script in JoPPS for a discussion about the JoPPS projectpool.
SetBatchParams (Sbatchcode[,Dno[,Dcarrier[,Dcabins]]])
Sets initial batch parameters prior starting batch calculations
Sbatchcode is the batch reference to be used,
Dno is the initial value for the frame counter used to number the frames processed in the run (default=1),
Dcarrier sets the starting carrier number (default=1)
Dcabins is the number of cabins for one carrier (default=16).
If one of the arguments is not specified its previous value remains in effect,
If no arguments are passed the batch parameters are reset to their defaults (batchcode = name of the first project in the batch, Dno=1, Dcarrier=1, Dcabins=16).
Example :
mode := GetCalcMode();
batch := Upper(ChangeFileExt(ExtractFilename(GetProjectFilename(0)),''));
& Calculate, SetCalcMode, SetUI, SetPTableParams
Passing an empty string for the Sbatchcode will cause the name of the first project in the batch to be used.
SetCalcMode (Dcalcmode)
Sets the calculation mode.
Refer to the explanation of the Calculate function for a discussion of the calculation mode constants.
& Refer to 3. Using JoPPS-Script in JoPPS for more information on the calculation mode.
& GetCalcMode, SetUI, SetBatchParams, SetPTableParams
SetCalcPerBatchType( ? ) : ?
JoPPS – V2.82
To be documented.
SetCaption (S)
Sets the caption (e.g. the text of the window title bar) of the JCALL console window.
S is the caption.
SetCurDir (Sdir)
Changes the current directory. Sdir can be a complete folder spec. including a drive identifier.
Sdir is the new current directory.
& GetCurDir
SetCurrentLanguage( ? ) : ?
JoPPS – V2.82
To be documented.
SetDebug( ? ) : ?
JoPPS – V2.82
To be documented.
SetEnableActions (Denable)
JoPPS - v2.0
Controls the state of the EnableActions flag. Can be used to disable the generation of instructions to interface machining centers. Is only of use for licenses having the MC option. Normally this flag is set manually by the user.
Denable is the new state for the EnableActions flag.
& GetCurDir
SetFileDate (Dh, Ddatetime) : B
Sets the date-and-time stamp of the specified filehandle.
Dh is the filehandle, Ddatetime is the date-time value.
Returns TRUE is successful, FALSE if not.
& GetFileDate, FileAge, DateToStr, DateTimeToStr, FormatDateTime
SetGUIKind( ? ) : ?
JoPPS – V2.82
To be documented.
SetMainTab (Dtabindex)
Sets the JoPPS maintab.
Dtabindex is the index of the tab to set.
Maintab constants
Selects the project tab
Selects the editor tab
Selects the result tab
SetMsgPaneMode( ? ) : ?
JoPPS – V2.82
To be documented.
SetParam (Sparam[,Svalue])
Sets a JoPPS parameter to the specified value.
Sparam is the name of the parameter (not between % characters !)
Svalue is the new value for the parameter. If no Svalue argument is passed the parameter is assigned an empty string.
& GetParam
SetPRIORPTPath( ? ) : ?
JoPPS – V2.82
To be documented.
SetPTableParams ([Btxtfmt[,Bstdfmt[,Btrffmt]]])
Sets pricetable parameters prior starting calculations.
If Btxtfmt is TRUE a DOS ascii textfile is generated,
If Bstdfmt is TRUE then a standard price output file will be generated,
If Btrffmt is TRUE a price tariff output file will be generated.
& Calculate, SetBatchParams, SetUI
SetResultParam (DparamId,DSI) : DSI
Sets the value of the specified result parameter.
The id of the parameter to set,
The second argument (D-type, S-type or I-type) is the new value for the parameter specified.
Returns the previous value of the specified parameter.
& GetResultParams
Future implementations will allow you to set global and/or report specific parameters.
SetSaveToDisk (Benable)
Sets the state of the "SaveToDisk" flag. The SaveToDisk flag controls whether or not results are written to disk.
Benable is the new state of the SaveToDisk flag.
SetSendToProd( ? ) : ?
JoPPS – V2.82
To be documented.
SetSyntax( ? ) : ?
JoPPS – V2.82
To be documented.
SetUI (Benable)
Sets the internal UI flag. The UI flag indicates whether or not JoPPS should popup the batch-, pricetableparameter or newproject dialog. The state of the UI flag is ignored when working with JoPPS interactively.
Benable is the new state of the UI flag, should be TRUE or FALSE.
& GetUI
SetupMachine(Dslot) : D
JoPPS – V2.83
Start generation format for the selected machine according to the specified mode
The Dslot argument specifies the slot of the machine to be parameterised (zero based).
The returned value is the status, 0 means completed without errors otherwise the last errorcode is returned.
Example :
SetupMachine(0); //calls setup dialog first defined machine in JoPPS
& RunMachine
SetUseScrapMan( ? ) : ?
JoPPS – V2.82
To be documented.
SetWallPaper (Sfn) : B
JoPPS - v2.0
Specifies a new file to be used as wallpaper. (the background displayed when no projects are loaded)
Sfn is the name of the file. The file can be a windows bitmap (.BMP) or an HTML document (.HTM)
& SetWallPaperSource
SetWallPaperSource (Shtml) : S
JoPPS - v2.0
Specifies the html source to be used as the new wallpaper.
Shtml is a string holding an entire HTML document. You can pass the result of the StringToHTML function to render a text on the wallpaper.
& StringToHTML, SetWallPaper
ShowDatabaseSelection ()
Opens the JoPPS database selection dialog. Execution continues after the user closed the database selection dialog either by selecting a new database or by just closing the dialog.
ShowDataDlg (Ddlg) : B
Opens the specified JoPPS data dialog.
The Ddlg argument identifies the data dialog to show.
Returns TRUE if the dialog was closed pressing the OK button, FALSE if not.
Dialog constants
Identifies the
Client dialog
Finish dialog
System dialog
Profile product dialog
Profile parameters dialog
Profile combination dialog
Profile glazing bead dialog
Profile reinforcement dialog
Accessories dialog
Accessories table dialog
Filling dialog
Finishes dialog
Price parameters dialog
Price standard dialog
Price tariff dialog
Price block dialog
Norm (wind) dialog
Accessories set dialog
Action dialog
Machining operations dialog
Task dialog
Frame library dialog
Vent library dialog
ShowJieViewer ([Sjiefn])
JoPPS - v2.0
Opens the JIE fileviewer and shows the contents of the JIE file specified. Execution continues after the
user closed the fileviewers window.
Sjiefn is the optional fn of the jie file to examine. If no name is specified the user is prompted to pick a valid jiefile.
ShowMessage (SD)
Displays a message in a message dialog. The title is the name of the script being executed. The message is the concatenation of the arguments passed.
One or multiple S or D-type arguments
& MsgErr, MsgBox
ShowProdView( ? ) : ?
JoPPS – V2.82
To be documented.
ShowProjectManager ()
Opens the JoPPS project manager. Execution continues after the user closed the project manager window.
ShowResult ([Dslot])
Views the result of a given report slot in the result viewer window.
Dslot is the report slot index of the result to view.
& For an overview of slot index constants refer to the discussion of the TagReport function.
Its better to specify a slot index as it is possible there is no current slot.
ShowToDoList( ? ) : ?
JoPPS – V2.82
To be documented.
ShowWizard ()
Opens the JoPPS wizard dialog.
SIN (D) : D
Sin returns the sine of an angle.
Dangle is the angle in degrees
The sine of the given angle.
JoPPS/JCALL/JScripter – V2.82
This function is an alias for ShowMessage.
& ShowMessage
SQRT (D) : D
Sqrt returns the square root of the argument.
D-type value
Square root the argument.
Instanciates an OLE automation server and returns a variable holding its IDispatch interface.
When successfull the returned variable can be used as an (ActiveX) object to access the
servers methods and properties.
S specifies the name of the OLE automation server to initiate, eg. "word.application" will start S Word and return an IDispatch interface to the word application.
Returns a variable (I) holding the IDispatch interface to the automation objects properties and methods. Returns FALSE when failed.
The following example creates a new document in MS Word:
word := START("word.application");
word.Visible := TRUE;
Before using the returned variable make sure it is a a valid IDispatch object. Use the IsIDispatch function for this purpose.
StrAlignL (Ssource,Dmaxlen [,Spad]) : S
Returns a left aligned string with a given maximum length.
Ssource is the string to align,
Dmaxlen is the maximum length of the result string,
The optional Spad argument is used to fill the string up to the given maximum length (default = blank). If the length of the source string exceeds the given maximum length the string is not truncated.
The aligned string.
& StrAlignR
StrAlignR (Ssource,Dmaxlen [,Spad]) : S
Returns a right aligned string with a given maximum length.
Ssource is the string to align,
Dmaxlen is the maximum length of the result string,
The optional Spad argument is used to fill the string up to the given maximum length (default = blank). If the length of the source string exceeds the given maximum length the string is not truncated.
The aligned string.
& StrAligng
StrDelete (Ssource, Dstart [,Dcount]) : S
Deletes a number of characters from a string.
Ssource is the source string,
Dstart is the position in the source string where deleting should start,
The optional Dcount parameter tells how many characters should be deleted, if not specified all characters are deleted up to the end of the string.
The resulting string.
& StrDeleteL, StrDeleteR
StrDeleteL (Ssource, Dcount) : S
Deletes a number of leading characters from a string.
Ssource is the source string,
Dcount is the number of characters to delete.
The resulting string.
& StrDelete, StrDeleteR, Trim
StrDeleteR (Ssource, Dcount) : S
Deletes a number of trailing characters from a string.
Ssource is the source string,
Dcount is the number of characters to delete.
The resulting string.
& StrDelete, StrDeleteL, TrimR
StringToColor( ? ) : ?
JoPPS/JCALL/JScripter – V2.82
To be documented.
StringToHTML (S) : Shtml
JoPPS/JCALL/JScripter -v2.5
Converts a string into a valid HMTL document.
S is the contents of the HTML document to create.
The HTML source.
StrInList (Ssub,Sstr[,Sdelimiter]) : B
JoPPS/JCALL/JScripter -v2.70
Returns True when a given substring appears in a given string holding a list of values.
Ssub is the substring to search for, Sstr is the string holding a comma separated list of all possible values,
Sdelimiter can be used to specify an alternative separator.
True or False.
& StrPos
StrLeft (Ssource, Dcount) : S
Returns a left portion of a given string.
Ssource is the source string,
Dcount is the number of characters to copy to the result string.
The resulting string.
& StrRight
StrLen (S) : D
Returns the actual length of the given string.
S is the input string.
The length of the string.
& StrSize
StrPos (Ssub, Ssource) : D
Returns the position of a substring within a given string.
Ssub is the string to search for,
S is the source string.
Returns the index of the substring in the source string. If the substring is not found in the source string a value of 0 is returned.
StrReplace (Ssource, Ssearch, Sreplace) : S
Replaces or deletes characters of a string.
Ssource is the source string,
Ssearch is a string holding all characters to delete or to replace from the Ssource string,
Sreplace is a string holding the replacement characters for each Ssearch string in the Ssource string.
If Sreplace is shorter than Ssearch, characters from Ssearch having no corresponding character in Sreplace will be deleted.
No wildcards can be used.
ì The resulting string.
& ReplaceText
StrRight (Ssource, Dcount) : S
Selects a right portion of a given string
Ssource is the source string,
Dcount is the number of characters to copy to the result string.
The resulting string.
& StrLeft
StrSize (S) : Dsize
Returns the allocated size of a given string.
S is the source string.
Dsize is the allocated size of the given string, not its length.
& StrLen
StrToDate (Sdate) : Ddate
JoPPS/JCALL/JScripter - v2.20
Converts a string representing a date into a D-type date.
Sdate is the date represented as a S-type value, it must be correctly formated (D/M/Y).
Returns the date as a D-type value.
& DateToStr, DateTimeToStr
StrToFile (Stext,Sfn) : B
Writes a string to a textfile.
Stext is the string,
Sfn is the file of the textfile to create.
Returns TRUE is successful.
& FileToStr
Converts a string argument to a numeric value.
S is a string representing a numeric value.
Returns the result of the type conversion, a numeric (D-type) value.
If the string S does not contain a valid numeric value, (numbers, point, minus sign) a run-time error is generated and the script execution is halted.
& NumToStr, IntToStr, IntToSt
StrToNum (S, Ddefault) : D
Converts a string argument to a numeric value, if the string S does not contain a valid numeric value the default value is returned.
S is a string representing a numeric value.
Ddefault is the default numeric value to be returned when the conversion of S fails.
Returns the result of the type conversion, a numeric (D-type) value.
& NumToStr, IntToStr, IntToStr0
StrToTime (Stime) : Dtime
JoPPS/JCALL/JScripter - v2.20
Converts a string representing a time into a D-type time.
Stime is the time represented as a S-type value, it must be correctly formated (H:M:S)
Returns the time as a D-type value.
& TimeToStr, DateTimeToStr
SubStr (Ssource, Dstart [,Dcount]) : S
Returns a substring from a given string.
Ssource is the source string,
Dstart is the start position of the substring,
Dcount is the length of the substring, thus the number of characters to copy.
If Dstart + Dcount exceeds the length of the source string all remaining characters of the source string are copied.
The substring.
& StrPos, StrLeft, StrRight
SubStrCnt (Ssource[,Sdelimiter]) : D
Returns the number of substrings in a "collection" string.
A collection string is a string consisting of substrings separated by delimiter characters.
The delimiter character, if not specified, is the comma ','.
Ssource is the collection string,
The optional Sdelimiter argument is the delimiter.
The number of substrings in the collection string.
& GetSubStr