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Scripting Function Reference L

LineIn() : S



Reads a line of text from the standard input stream.

ì       Returns the string read from the standard input stream.


&     CharIn





Writes a line of text followed by an CR/LF pair to the standard output stream.

î       S is the text to output.


&     TextOut, CharOut


LN(D) : D



Returns the natural logarithm of the argument

&     LOG


LOG(D) : D



Calculates the log base 10 of the argument. 

&     LN


Login([Suid[,Spassword]]) : S



Performs a user login operation. Pops up the JoPPS login dialog if not all required parameters are specified.

î       Suid is the default userid, the optional argument Spassword specifies the

      password for user Suid. 
      The Spassword argument is not required if the user has no password set.


ì       Returns the id of the current user after the login operation.

&     SelectDatabase



Lower(S) : S



Converts a string to lowercase.

î       S is the string to be converted.


ì       The string converted to lowercase.


&     Upper


LTrim (S) : S



Deletes leading spaces and control characters from a string.

î       String to trim.


ì       The "trimmed" string.

&     RTrim, Trim

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